Маркова Татьяна Николаевна
учитель английского языка
МАОУ «Полилингвальный образовательный комплекс «Адымнар-Алабуга» ЕМР РТ,
г. Елабуга
5 класс
Цели урока:
–расширение кругозора учащихся;
-формирование интеллектуальной базы;
– обогащение знаний по страноведению;
– ввести и закрепить лексический материал по теме;
– расширить культурный кругозор учащихся;
– повышение уровня учебной мотивации;
– формировать умение применять полученные знания на практике;
– развитие умения работать самостоятельно;
– ставить задачи и находить пути решения проблемных ситуаций;
-развивать творческое мышление и творческие способности;
–воспитывать культуру общения, умение слушать друг друга;
– формирование дружелюбного и уважительного отношения друг к другу;
-реализация партнерских отношений между учителем и учеником;
Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, раздаточный материал
Ход урока:
Good morning children! Nice to meet you!
Today our lesson will be unusual. We are going to have a talk about a country, which language we study and you will make a project about this country.
Imagine that you are going to visit this country.
What facts about a country should you know before visiting?
Sure, we need to know about the location, history, traditions, places of interest, famous people. However studying information about the location of the country is at the first place.
Before we start working, answer my questions please:
-Do you like travelling?
-So do I! I like travelling either.
-Why do you like travelling?
We can see interesting places, get new impressions, meet new friends, learn more about history and traditions.
-So, what country will we talk about? How do you think?
-Today we will make a project about the UK and learn more information about this country.
You have the maps. They are empty and we have to fill them in and be ready to introduce your work.
Before you start working, let’s watch a short video and be ready to answer my questions. Be very attentive. While watching, you can find the necessary information and be able to cope with the task.
Look at the screen.
Video-1.5 min. Факты о Великобритании. Видео урок на английском.
Now answer the questions, please. (Cards)
You can write the answers on your cards.
1.What is the official name of Great Britain?- the UK
2. How many countries does the UK consist of?
– Four.
3. What are they? –England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland
4. How many countries does Great Britain consist of?- Three
5. What are they? –England, Scotland, Wales
6. What is the capital of the UK? – London
Now please, fill out the cards:
The official name of Great Britain is……………..
There are …….countries in the United Kingdom.
They are……….
The capital of the UK is……
So let’s make your projects.
Find the parts of the UK, name them, color each country, mark the capital of the UK and stick some symbols of the country and then introduce your projects.
Your task is on the papers.
- Find the parts of the UK,
- Stick the names ,
- Color each country,
- Mark the capital of the UK,
- Stick some symbols of the country
- Write the missing words in the text and introduce your projects.
So, let’s begin. Good luck to you!
Well done to everybody!